Wednesday, June 22

For "The Killing" fans (and haters, too)

How Joel Kinnamon really talks.

(wow. prepare to be surprised.)


emma said...

That was interesting . . and his hair looks so much better than when he plays Holder!

vq said...

I know--Holder is so...greasy.

Sonya said...

He's very attractive. So's the guy on the front page of the New York Times right now, the mob boss. He looks like he's right out of the 1940s.

Sonya said...

I'm driving to South Dakota today. My car is loaded up with music, club soda, various snacks. I'm going alone, to a wedding. My high school friend's son. We are officially old.

Sonya said...

Crap. Sorry for the extra comment. I just read that that mug shot was taken in 1984. Figures.

vq said...

Road trip for sonya! Behave yourself. ;)

Sonya said...

And now I'm home. The trip was 420 miles going, and 585 miles coming back (different route; I didn't know how much longer it would be.) South Dakota is much prettier than I'd imagined.