Monday, February 9

Nadya Suleman's face

Nadya has the bashed-in nose and oddly bloated lips of a plastic surgery addict.  I think there's a lot going on here, and none of it is good.


Brenda said...

i watched her on the today show this morning. i think she is mentally ill.

emma said...

I just wrote about that in my blog! She a collagen face

vq said...

Great minds, Emma, great minds.

Dave was listening to a talk radio show about her today, and they had a shrink who said she appears to have classic narcissism issues.

vq said...
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Brenda said...

anyone who feels the need to have 14 children to fill a void they had in their own childhood has mental health issues in my opinion. there are people who can't have any kids who want to adopt ONE and aren't allowed to for any number of reasons. but this one can produce 8 on top of the 6 she isn't taking care of. i don't get it.

vq said...

I read today that her assertation that the same doctor implanted all 14 is not true--that her mother said that the first doctor wouldn't work with her any more, so she had to find another one who would.


Jilly said...

she does have an odd face.

she's a fruitcake.

wtf kind of schooling is she getting where she'll be able to afford 14 kids alone? a master's in counseling doesn't increase your pay that much.

now, i have a lot of schooling (and will most likely be in school until i die) and my guy is half through his PhD as well as us both having full time government jobs and my guy teaches part time at 3 different colleges and we can't afford more kids, muchless a total of 14.

it's clear that she is not living in reality and better hope she doesn't get on the nerves of her friends and family whom she's volunteered to help take care of everything. i know i'd get tired of someone and their 14 small kids living in my house not really contributing anything.


Bert Bananas said...

Octomom said flat on to Anne Curry that she was not getting any 'government help.' But at this point we now know she's been getting food stamps and that three or four of the already existing kids are somehow disabled and are getting SSI. The male PR flack was on talk radio this afternoon and said that as far as he knows, Octomom was a member of Kaiser and so all her, and the great 8's, expenses are covered by Kaiser. There's no proof to the contrary, but I'll eat my golf hat at high noon in front of the Kodak Theatre if that's true.

There is a great foment here in SoCal for having CPS take her kids away until she passes some kind of mental exam. (okay, I just made this up...)

Ded said...

This can't be just narcissism at work. It feels to me like a case of Borderline Personality Disorder. Over the years, dealing with family issues, I've tried to get an greater understanding of BPD. My latest assesment is that it simply means you are a very bad, screwed-up person.

Brenda said...

more and more weirdness coming from the nadya camp.

Unknown said...

I told my husband that I thought her face looked like she was in a car accident or had some sort of trauma.

Bert Bananas said...

There's an excellent photo, that I bet she picker herself, on the website that's been set up to accept public donations:

vq said...

I notice that her website has plenty of "donation" buttons. Ugh.

My heart really goes out to the six older ones. What will become of them all?

Jilly said...

verb, notice how there aren't any pics or names mentioned of the other 6 kids? no one will ever care about them again in that family.
