Tuesday, February 10

Right place at the right time

So I'm taking a geography class once a week to add a social studies teaching certificate. A friend of mine is taking the class with me, so it isn't so bad. Next to the prof, i'm the most educated person in the room. This is actually an important fact. The prof is from england and she doesn't have the lovely BBC America accent, she's for the Eastenders accent and talks really fast. She's been in america for 14 months and knows next to nothing about US history or geography, this is important too. Anyway, she loves to ask random questions and last week she asked which country was discovered in the 1600's. I said America (remember that big party the state of VA had with the queen stopping by?) Anyway, another woman in the class looked at me and said in a snotty 'I know more than you' voice "No, America was discovered in 1776." It took ALL I had to be polite. It was even better when the prof fired back with "Columbs was in 1567" Someone else in the class became twitchy and saif "No, the rhyme says it's 1492." I then pointed out that Colmbus never set foot in America and really landed in the Bahamas and America wasn't named after Amerigo Vespucci but Richard Ameryk. I'm not overly worried about the prof's error, she's been here a hot minute and probably never learned or cared about the geography or history of the US until she got here. I'm more worried about the student because this week she was really confused as to why she couldn't find chile on the map when she was looking at Africa. But again, I just shut my mouth and was happy that she's in the right class.


emma said...

everyone knows chile's in Australia!!

Jilly said...

snort, emma!

my wv is palin how ironic....

vq said...

Honestly, I'm starting to think the WV generator is possessed....

vq said...

Is it horrible that I've never heard of Richard Ameryk? Who the heck was he?

Jilly said...

verb, he paid for cabot's trip in which america was discovered, so they named it after him.
