Friday, August 14


1. Cruelty to animals is a horrible thing.
2. What Michael Vick did in participating in dog fighting was despicable.
3. That said, he paid the price for his crime and did his time so he deserves a fresh start and he should be able to earn a living in his chosen field. Evidentally the Eagles want him. So PETA should just leave him the hell alone. If he screws up again, then go after him full throttle. Until then, let him earn a living.
When did PETA get taken over by rabid a-holes?


Jilly said...

they weren't always rabid aholes?

UrbanStarGazer said...

They've always been rabid a-holes.

I disagree, I think he should be banished from the game.

I hope he gets pummeled.

emma said...

why do you think that? It wasn't a football-related offense--like betting on or rigging the game

Kathryn said...

What Vick did was not only reprehensible, but criminal; as such, he did time for it. The whole point of putting people in jail/prison and then letting them OUT is that they have done their time, and should be allowed to try to get their lives on track again.

Therefore, although I think the Eagles are in for one hell of a public relations nightmare, I hope that Vick will do well in his chosen line of work.

UrbanStarGazer said...

No logical reason. Pure emotional. I don't believe that anyone who can do something that despicable can change. I believe it's part of your basic makeup and it's so disgusting that my mind can't comprehend it. I can't get the image of him slamming that puppy to the ground, like a football, to kill it out of my head. In my world, he would have gotten at least life in jail for just that offense.

Also, I believe that as a football player he has the potential for being a hero to folks, particularly youths (or yewts, as the guy in My Cousin Vinny would say) and I just think it's scary that some kid somewhere will do what he did and think it's cool cuz Michael Vick did it, even thought MV was punished for it.

Jilly said...

if you can be banned for beating your spouse, why not for beating animals?


emma said...

I understand your point of view, but I don't think sports people should be role models to anyone. I know that they ARE, but should they be? WTF do they do? Catch a ball? Run fast? It aint the stuff role models should be made of.