Saturday, July 17

how old do you feel?

last week when i attended my great uncles funeral i realized that with each passing decade i inch my way closer to the great beyond. but right now, i am still one of the youngsters. there is still at least 2 generations in front of me. only one behind me at this point. once my kids give me some grandchildren, this feeling may change. but right now, i still feel like a kid sometimes.

i am so okay with that.


emma said...

before the rains come, I feel 105. After the rains pass, it's 30

Catz said...

I have grandchildren and feel that way sometimes but I'm OK with that.

Some days when it's cold and/or rainy I feel like I'm 99. Other days 30ish

vq said...

I've been contemplating this for several days, and the fact is, I feel pretty old sometimes.

Not physically, but I keep having these weird mental moments. I was thinking about my elementary school music teacher, Mrs. Abbott, and how she'd be so proud that I grew up to be a music educator. Then I suddenly realized that she is probably long since dead--she was in her 40s way back then. And it hit me rather hard that I've been kicking around on this earth quite a long time...

Ya know, THOSE kinds of mental moments.

Catz said...

Good way to put it Verbs. Mental moments. Yep I have them.

I have thought about my school days and other times in these last few years. Time flies by too when you get older.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I have one aunt left alive . . . once she's gone, my sibs and I are the next generation up for dying. When I realize that . . . it sort of puts things in a scary perspective.