Tuesday, July 6

The US justice system works: Lindsay Lohan is going to jail.


Jenny Robin said...

what did she do this time?

Catz said...

Now what did she do? I don't pay much attention to celeb gossip. Right now I'm finding this Jake and Vienna thing annoying. It's all over the place when I switch channels. I just found out yesterday who they were and still don't care.

UrbanStarGazer said...

If she actually goes . . . I hope they do make her.

Brenda said...

she got 90 days with an anticipated 45 days to be served. i hope she takes this time to pull herself together and get off of the track to self destruction.

Jilly said...

she violated her parole and pissed the judge off a few times too many by missing court and skipping out on her DUI classes etc. funny thing is, if she'd just done her probation and taken the classes as needed, then she would be done with it all now. she's the one who didn't finish her classes and then asked for another year, they granted it, and then she kept messing up. the article i read quoted her as saying something about needing more time and extensions because her career isn't a standard career and takes more time than a regular career. 1) I know i don't go to the movies a lot, but I haven't seen her in a headlining role in a long time and 2) how does she know that her job takes more time than a regluar persons? i know people that go to grad school full time work 2 full time jobs and have a house with all the house work and kids with all the child rearing that goes with. Now those are some busy people. Do they all get a free pass out of responsibility if they get a DWI and then fuck up probation because they're busy too?

Brenda said...

she lives in a dream world where she thinks actors get a free pass.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I watched a clp on YouTube about this yesterday and her initial statement in her defense was, "I have to support myself."

And I was thinking, wow . . . she really is in a dream world. Like, what? She's penniless and whatever job she was working on that caused her to miss her court appearances and classes was the only job she could get and without it she'd be homeless? Please.

"I have to support myself . . ." -- if she only knew what it was like to be broke and faced with the difficult choice of having to choose between an opportunity to make money and abiding by her court order. She really is in lala land. She should get more time just for making that idiotic statement and thinking that ANYONE would buy it.

emma said...

Old Linds says Fuck you to the court
