Wednesday, March 25

from ae much missed pervert

tried to post this on the old broards but it wouldn't let me do it
anonymously. That's no fun. Maybe you could be a dear sweetie and put
in on there somewhere for me. After all, you really are the sweetest
person I know. And so hot, too. You almost make me want to consider
switching sides. Thanks dahrling!:

I LOVE checking in to see that I'm still loved!!!
It heals a little part of my ego that has been all but destroyed by
having two offspring in the midst of puberty.
But don't worry, you're not missing much. My last haircut was in
August and the next one is nowhere on the horizon.
And I'm not presently menstruating, but I am ovulating so my boobs are
at their biggest and I'm horny as fuck.


mavis sidebottom said...

well I miss you dear even if none of the others care about your horny boobs

schell said...

I don't know who it is.

Ded said...

I kinda wished it was me.

mavis sidebottom said...

it's traceee thats her ego crushed for eternity lol

schell said...

How could I not have known that!!!

I miss you too, Tracee!

schell said...

How could I not have known that!!!

I miss you too, Tracee!

Bert Bananas said...

what I have always admired most about TB is the delicacy of her language.

emma said...

Hi Tracee,

I miss hearing about your house redecorating/painting