Monday, April 13

Re: crappy year 4 months in

as were about to eat dinner yesterday my guy's momma called and told me that his dad's in the hospital and it doesn't look good. He's been vomiting blood since we got back from Indiana on friday night and yesterday had a blood pressure of 100/21. My sister is coming to get the baby so we can spend the day at the hospital (it's over an hour from our home) and help my guy's momma. She isn't doing well herself. I really hope he's okay. Not only is he one of the baby's favorite people, but without him, Grandpa in Indiana and my guy's momma would be lost. He got a blood transfusion late last night, but we haven't heard if it's helped any.


vq said...

wow. I'm very sorry to hear this. Hope he turns around.

Bert Bananas said...

What is it with old people these days!!

Beanns37 said...

I'm really sorry to hear this Jilly, I'll be thinking good thoughts for him.