Tuesday, October 19

Christine O'Donnell is dumb. Real dumb.

O'Donnell: Where in the Constitution does it say separation of church and state?


vq said...

P.S. This is NOT satire from The Onion. It's a real news article. Dear sweet lord, help us...

UrbanStarGazer said...


Sonya said...

She'll probably win. Crap.

emma said...

Christine O'Donnell will not win.
She cannot.
She won't.
I will not allow it.
I will visualize it into the Universe.

Brenda said...

just when you think sarah palin is the biggest dope ever, along comes christine. maybe they should hook up as running mates. that would be a circus(freak show) i would buy tickets to. after all, sarah backs christine. that in itself should say it all.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I keep saying that people should have to pass a test to prove they understand how the different levels of government and voting works before they're allowed to vote.

Same goes for running for office. You should have to pass some baseline test to prove you even understand what the heck you're trying to do.

Jilly said...

well, that's delaware for you....

emma said...

Levi Johnston was on the View a few days ago and the ladies (especially Barbara Walters--she stated he got famous for impregnating a 17 year old girl) was laying into him for not having any experience while running for Wasilla Alaska major.
And yet they're very supportive of "Teen Advocate" Bristol Palin on DWTS. Didn't SHE become famous for BEING an impregnated 17 old girl?
It's reverse sexism, IMO.

I'd rather have Levi mayor of Wasilla than Christine senator of Delaware.

On another show it was theorized that O'Donnell is REALLY running for a spot at being a Fox "news" contributor ala Sarah Palin. This is how people get famous/rich now: Get yourself media coverage by saying outrageous statements and being as far out on the fringe as possible, then get somewhat of a crackpot following and keep saying more and more outrageous things. Then someone somewhere will offer you a reality tv show, or a spot as a political "ANALyst"