Tuesday, August 12

For Schell

I just figured out why I couldn't send you a link to my new blog (humble as it is.)  I'm using this new version of AOL for Mac that I just downloaded and it didn't import my old address book from my regular version of AOL.  I couldn't remember the numbers that came after your name on your AOL email address.  Any email address that involved a string of numbers or a challenging spelling was too much for me.  I also couldn't invite JennyRobin or Britters because I couldn't think of their email addresses, either.  I'm hoping to catch up with those two.

Anyway, all of you fabulous broards, and one dick, are more than welcome to stop by and visit me at http://lasthousewife.blogspot.com.   There's nothing much there yet, but I'm filled with hope that I'll do better at this one than I did at my last one.


emma said...

Schell emailed me and said she couldn't comment on my wordpress blog. I don't know why--it's not restricted. I think it might just be something that Keith's rigged up to keep Schell off the blog-reading so she'll have mad sex with him.

vq said...

That scoundrel!

schell said...

Too bad it didn't work!!

Thanks, Verb.