Friday, August 29


What a shocker (yawn) McCain picks a woman running mate. Who would have anticipated that? oh, yeah. . . me. I did. In my blog. Along with thousands of others I'm sure. He's trying to court us Hillary backers. This pick just shows that his handlers really think women are stupid.


vq said...

If those idiots are dumb enough to think I'd vote for a gun-slinging anti-choicer just because she's female....well, they're just as dumb as I already thought they were.

Gail said...

Amen,Verb. Just how stupid DO they think we are? I can't see Repubs. voting for a woman even as a second on the ticket since I think they think women are good for only one thing....and it ain't running the county.

vq said...

And wasn't it nice of Emma to label her post "Politics" so Alex wouldn't have to bother to read it? :D

Brenda said...

john mccain has not a clue to the mind of a woman. a woman is the biggest critic of another woman and he doesn't realize that we all know why he picked a woman. he just gave obama a free ride to the white house. thank you john.

Orbie/\;;/\ said...

Exactly my sentiments... very predictable and rather irritating to think that he and his handlers believe we all follow blindly. Talk about the same old same old.
I never had any doubts about which party I was voting for and this hasn't changed that one bit.

sheila222 said...

I don't think she was picked because she was female. I believe she was picked because she is to the right of McCain and wasn't an opponent in the primaries. Am I happy about it? No. Tonight on ABC news they said McCain really would have rather had Joe Lieberman but all the advisors said, oh no, the far right of the party won't put up with that. I am in deep mourning because Joe wasn't selected- hell, I'd vote for Joe no matter the ticket. I am very tired of one segment of the party dictating to the entire party.

vq said...

Hallie just told me that her children are named "Track" and "Trig" and that she threatened to sue the Secretary of the Interior who was trying to put polar bears on the endangered species list, and that she belongs to some group called (barf) "Feminists [yeah right] For Life." God, I could puke. She's hideous.

vq said...

Oh! Oh!! She's a freaking CREATIONIST too. It just goes on and on. Unfreakingbelievable.

emma said...

"I don't think she was picked because she was female."
Seriously Sheila?
There are a LOT of men who are to the right of McCain. Pure and simple, she was picked because
a. she has a vagina
b. she is a rabid right winger
c. no one's ever heard of her.
talked about being un-vetted

emma said...

"Track" and "Trig"


Has anyone done a poll since mccain named her? I'm sure the numbers can't be good for mccain.
I'm sure at their convention, Repubs will pat themselves for being "progressive" in naming a woman.

excuse me . . . . . . two words: Geraldine Ferrarro. Now there's a great old broard!

sheila222 said...

Emma- we'll have to agree to disagree. I think being female didn't automatically DISQUALIFY her. I don't think that is what put her at the top of the list and eventual pick. I think it is her far right politics. You may hate what she has to say, but she is very articulate and unfortunately probably can inspire the right who may not be all that keen on McCain.

Gail said...

I think McCain thinks (and I use that term loosely) that "hey, let's pick a woman and all of Hillary's "gals" will vote for me!" Never mind that her politics aren't anything like Hillary's much less the rest of the Dem. party. A pro-lifer, a life long member of the NRA, and a creationist. Good grief, could he have picked anyone more unlike Hillary's voters? I'll say it again, Republicans think women are stupid.

mavis sidebottom said...

I think politicians as a whole think that people are stupid , and we keep voting for them so they may well have a point.

Maryetta said...

So, you're really NOT voting for McCain because of his choice of a running mate?
I'm not voting for Obama, but it also has nothing to do with Joe Biden.

vq said...

But Moif, he's so OLD. He could drop dead any minute and then what would we be stuck with?

Maryetta said...

McCain made it through 5 years in a POW camp, I think he can make through 8 years in the White House.
But, I admit, Obama would be more fun to ogle.
