Tuesday, May 19

An interesting website

Do you sometimes read the supposed heights and weights of celebrities, and scratch your head and think "that just doesn't make any sense"?  When someone who is 5'10" claims to weigh 110 pounds, yet doesn't look like a concentration camp victim, it gives me pause.

Anyway, Hallie found this interesting site, where people post photos of themselves on a graph of height and weight.

It certainly can give you a realistic photographic view of what is an appropriate weight for your height, and what a variety of arrangements the human body can come in.  Check it out.


vq said...

P.S. You can click the photo to see it larger, as well as to see some other people of the same height and weight.

emma said...

Sorry Verbie . . . Raga's picture of herself against the dusty bannister killed realistic photographs for me

vq said...

Dang. I guess I missed that one.