Sunday, July 5

Gnomes Hold Better Conversations

Lonely Man Steals Lawn Statues to Talk To

A Japanese man is accused of stealing lawn ornaments to keep him company since both his father and brother died, according to Weird Asia News.

Osamu Kimura, 52, was caught holding a ceramic frog in the front yard of a homeowner, who called police, Weird Asia News reported. When police caught Kimura, he was stealing a 2-foot tall ceramic raccoon, and they found at least 30 ceramic frogs, dogs and raccoons inside his apartment, the story said.

Kimura, who is unemployed, told police he was stealing the lawn ornaments for the past year so he'd have someone to talk to.


mavis sidebottom said...

that will be me in 10 years time after the kids have left and Im alone

Brenda said...

mum. you will always have us. you don't need to talk to the gnomes.

my wv is parma. ha!

Kathryn said...

I suppose this just proves that there's no place like gnome...

vq said...

::pinning honorary Ded for a Day pin on Kathryn's chest::

emma said...

Speaking of Ded. I emailed him about a plant photo Teri emailed me and wanted Identified.
He wrote:

"Looks like Japanese Hops, rare up here but I've encountered it. Sorry for the delay. Been away for a few days and of late, not much on the computer. Hello to T and F. And all. A special hello to Verb."

So hello to all from Ded with a special hi to Verb

vq said...

It's good to know Ded isn't, well....ded.

UrbanStarGazer said...

My ear itches.