Sunday, October 12


Husband got home last night from 10 days in Guatemala on a medical mission in a little Mayan town of about 450 people. Hopefully he didn't bring any little friends along with him, but if he did, I shall likely be getting your advice on how to get rid of them.

In other news, the National Pig and Rabbit extravaganza is coming up in two weeks in L'ville. I am bathing pigs today to see who makes the final cut. I have already made my entry, but am allowed to make a few substitutions by Wednesday. So I am trying to see who will do me proud. I have some nice pigs, they can all be beat, but I am not ashamed of them. Don't expect to win the big awards, but do expect to have great fun!


Jenny Robin said...

How does one go about bathing a pig?

Gail said...

very carefullly

vq said...

And does the lipstick go on before or after?


sheila222 said...

You get a small plastic tub and hold the front end of the pig up so no water goes up the nose. Shampoo, rinse by holding pig along your forearm, bum in hand and running under the spigot. I will post a picture of the blowdry that goes on after. Takes about 45 minutes in all to do one.

Jenny Robin said...

that's almost too cute for words