Saturday, October 18

"How can she be a racist!!??"

Amazingly the daughter of the woman who emailed this to her Republican group defended the cartoon and her mother.
woman: How is this racist?!
reporter: fried chicken? watermelon? ribs? Those are all African American stereotypes.
woman: I like fried chicken! I like watermelon! Plus my mother is married to a man who is Mexican--how can she be a racist??


Jilly said...

that persone is in denial, all thry need is the "n" word to go with it.


vq said...

That's good old-fashioned racism at its best. At least she doesn't have Obama picking cotton and singing De Camptown Ladies.

Beanns37 said...

Clearly the person is completely ignorant so no wonder they don't see anything wrong or racist about it.