Wednesday, November 25


Now here are some fine American Sarah Palin supporters who should make Bert very proud to be an American! I know *I* am.


Brenda said...

OMG. everyone of those people are as big of a moron as she is. they kept talking but didn't say a damn thing.

Brenda said...

go to my blog and read something funny.

emma said...

"I don't know what she knows and what she doesn't know." Says it all

"um . . . um . . . . um . . "

"I watch Fox news a lot!" . . .lol

Bert Bananas said...

Maybe it's the destiny of any aging country to wind up dividing the really intelligent people and the really stupid people. It's like the referee says at the start of the fight: go to your respective corners and come out fighting.

UrbanStarGazer said...

Was the guy with the lisp handicapped?