Sunday, November 1

"Where's my retarded baby?"

Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin's grandson, said that Palin called her Down's Syndrome son "retarded." Is he just hawking his book deal? Or did she say that? I can't stand Sarah Palin, but I hope she didn't say that.
Evidently he has some other soon-to-be-reveiled info that will not be flattering to Palin.
Is it a slow news day?


Brenda said...

one, i wouldn't put it past her to say something like that. i think she is a fake.
she still annoys the hell out of me. when i see her, and she starts talking, i want to dig my ears out with a screwdriver.

UrbanStarGazer said...

That's how I feel about Hillary.

I can't stand Palin either but I don't feel quite as strongly about her as Spidey.

Gail said...

There was an article "by" Levi in Vanity Fair a month or so ago that wasn't very flattering to Palin. Frankly anything that woman says wouldn't surprise me.

Aren't her 15 minutes about done?

Jilly said...

i don't like her either, but i heavily suspect someone who is a deadbeat dad, probably an unfit parent himself, and who is obviously willing to testify to anything for a buck. it's a "pot meet kettle" situation here.
