Tuesday, June 16

I am a bit saddened

That Dave Letterman kowtowed to the moronic supporters of that idiot, Sarah Palin, and apologized.  You should've hung tough, Dave.


Brenda said...

i agree. i have never seen him back down. maybe his wife made him do it.

vq said...

For once, poor old crazy Nags is right. His comment, "Palin…being utter Republican scum…decided to use her 14 yr old as a sex object to make political ‘points’," is almost exactly what I posted on one of the news sites. She saw a chance to thrust herself into the spotlight, and she went for it.

emma said...


Dave didn't come right out and say "Sorry."

I could NOT believe (Or maybe I could) that that fucker Sarah Palin insinuated that Dave was a pedophile when she said she wouldn't let her 14 y-o alone with Dave. I mean, wtf? She's a true nutjob.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I agree. He shoulda hung tough. Fuck her the opportunistic c-word.