Tuesday, September 23

"Grandpa, What's For Supper?"

Remember that old bit from Hee-Haw?

Anyway, for supper tonight I had a Caesar salad, and potato chips with French Onion dip. What did you have?


vq said...

Man, that sounds like a delicious supper. What kind of chips? I like those Cape Cod kettle friend chips the best, but I never met a potato chip I didn't like.

My family is all out of town. I'm planning to have a bowl of tomato soup and toast.

Brenda said...

a cheese sausage and mushroom pizza on thin crust from my favorite pizza place. and a big ass salad with italian dressing and anchovies.

emma said...

Verbie, Wavy Lays. But I'll tell you what . . . I think I overdid it on the French Onion dip and had major cramps and a "blow-out"--that's a BP term about 2 hours later. Blech.

Spidey, your dinner sounds de-lish

emma said...


vq said...

Hahaha. There are worse terms for that than "blow-out." WAY worse.

I changed my mind and had Maltomeal instead of soup.

Beanns37 said...

I haven't eaten yet but I will be having a bowl of cereal (kashi go lean) w/blueberries and skim milk. Yes, I know you are all jealous of my jet set lifestyle, I can't help it if I'm fabulous ;)

mavis sidebottom said...

you will be amazed to hear that we had beans on toast,

Gail said...

We had leftover baby back ribs and what remained of what we call college casserole. The casserole is something Dennis and his brother came up with in college when they were poor and while I despise English peas on principle, this is pretty good. One can peas, one can mushroom soup, grated extra sharpe cheese on top (I've also added a can of mushrooms on occasion), put in oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. It's quick, easy, and even I can't screw this one up ;-)

Maryetta said...

A salad, with my homemade dressing, which I made up when I was a teenager.
And some doritos.
But, I'm not sure of that.


vq said...

Wow. It's like you and Emma are sharing one brain!

schell said...

My dream is to someday not have to worry about anyone else for dinner, and have cereal. Or salad. That's it. Every night, either cereal or salad.