Thursday, September 25

the greater depression

i just heard on tv that if something isn't done soon,per sarah palin and oldman mccain, but i am not sure cause i never know what the hell he is talking about, that we may be in a depression by monday. mccain wants to postpone the debate. i bet the folks who have footed the 4.5 million dollar bill for that are real happy.

mccain does NOT have a fucking clue.

looks like hamburgers might be a luxury soon.
i am glad i didn't go on the diet like i was going to. i might need some of this body fat to survive.


Gail said...

I have no confidence that anyone in the present administration has a clue about what to do with so much money and why does something have to be done NOW? What's wrong with taking longer to make sure whatever in the hell they do, is the RIGHT thing? Seems like we got into Iraq because we must do something right NOW without thinking thru the hows, whys, and what happens nexts. This admin. doesn't think anything thru completely-sounds like another cowboy thing to me-shoot first and worry later.

emma said...

He looks like a real cowardly weinie by suggesting that the debate be postponed. And this man wants to run the country??