Thursday, September 18

Sorry Alex, but I had to

A Spanish asked McCain if he'd be willing to meet with the Spanish president if elected, and he replied something like he'd be willing to meet to any leader who counts as an ally, and then named the mexican president as a possibility. Now I'll opently admit that off the top of my head I don't know who the President of Spain is, nor do I really need to, but I'm not running for president based off my experience with foreign governments either. However, if the woman asked me about Spain, I wouldn't respond about Mexico. When someone asks about France, I don't start talking about Canada. She kept on asking him, and he never once did he answer her. He seemed confused to me.

In other news, the baby said her first word last night and I missed it : (


emma said...

I hope her first wod wasn't "McCain" ;)

Being in the Senate for a thousand years, McCain SHOULD know every head of state and every tribal leader and every leading industry in every country on the face of the earth, but he's not that savvy

Brenda said...

he is always confused. take his choice of running mate. that was total confusion.